

藤学園 学園歌

藤学園 学園歌



作詞:水島ヒサ ドイツ曲

ゆたけき恵み 藤波の
しないも長く 咲き出でし
文の園生に 吹く風の
やさしさめずる 我らかな

高き操は 松の姿
清き心は み山の小百合
真心深く ただひとすじに
とわに仰がん 道の光

己がさまざま 力をこめて
たゆまずうまず みがく智の珠
つらきをしのび 望みにもえて
たずねゆかん まことの道


Lyrics: Hisa Mizushima (German song)
Translation: Yoshiko Nagata

Tufts of wisteria, flowing humbly and gracefully,
Our garden of learning, a gentle breeze blows,
We love the tender beauty of wisteria,
Girls of Fuji we are.

Like a tree of pine, staying true and chaste,
With a heart as pure as lilies on the mountainside,
We follow in earnest the one single way,
Eyes cast up in awe, the Light of our way.

Unique and precious is each of us,
With all our virtue, never giving up,
We walk with wisdom, seeking the Truth,
With our minds full of faith and hope.